Festivals are on...!!

We Nepalese are so much into festivals that we almost have festival every season that is twelve months in a year. So I've tried to Capture Some of the photographs that exhibits the festive mood of the people around the city.
Living Goddess Kumari From Patan On BhotoJatra.

 Little Boy Dressing as Lord Krishna on Krishna Janmaastami at Krishna Mandir.

Sweet Little Girl at Chandi A Kirant Festival.

Newly Married Couple And My friend in a queing up for Taleju Darshan at Nawami.


Anonymous said...

"Sweet Little Girl at Chandi A Kirant Festival" is not simply a girl in festival.we cannot just look at the smiling girl because ,by doing this, it blocks the broad view of the circumstances she is in.every photograph goes in various directions,esp directions of possibilities.the photograph implies the dancing and the dancers celebrating the festivals,the implication further goes beyond the festivals into the girl's educational background where we can guess sure that she is in primary school,may be her parent's strong sense of kirat community and its festivals and so on.every photograph goes in various directions of possibilities through implication or suggestion that photos suggest.
"Newly Married Couple And My friend in a queing up for Taleju Darshan at Nawami" a captured visual record of the past moment in the couple's life.all visual records(photos) of life were the present/now moment somtimes in past .but the photos render the now moment into past /gone moment at the time when photos are developed.so the moment ,which was now/present ,not past ,when it was captured through camera ,is turned past,gone or dead moment when developed into photos.this dead moment is the ghost that haunts every photograph,including this couple's.


To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough. - Robert Capa


Sharing some experience through Photographs.. Design by Insight © 2009